Please remember that almost 90% of domain sales (especially the higher valued domain name transactions) go unreported.
4-letter .com domain name prices
2-letter .com domain name prices
3-letter .com domain name prices
Why choose a 4 letter .COM domain name?
Domains have and will continue to go up in value faster than any other commodity ever known to man - Bill Gates

Examples of actual sale prices of 4-letter domain names sold in the marketplace in 2024

Month Domain
May 2024 POSE.COM
March 2024 GOLD.COM
January 2024 TIFO.COM
For up-to-date examples of domain name sale prices
see DN Journal
Click here for 2023 prices
Click here for 2022 prices
Click here for 2021 prices
Click here for 2020 prices
Click here for 2019 prices
Click here for 2018 prices
Click here for 2017 prices
Click here for 2016 prices
Click here for 2015 prices
Click here for 2014 prices
Click here for 2013 prices
Click here for 2012 prices
Click here for 2011 prices
Click here for 2010 prices
Click here for 2009 prices
Click here for 2008 prices
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